Make Your Blog Post Viral

Make Your Blog Post Viral With These 10 Proven And Classic Ideas.

make your blog post viral

One of the trending topics of all the time is to craft a piece of the content which can fly away to convey every single person of the internet world.

People are crazy and curious to know about the secret to turning every single post into something undeniable.

In this new world of the visual content, everyone is after getting the fame and the success. In this blogosphere, everyone is struggling to have a position.

Don’t you want to make your blog post viral? Don’t you want to be everywhere?

The human nature doesn’t let you deny the fact that your blogging journey isn’t just about writing, writing and writing.

It’s about how you reach that content to the world?

Every blogger has his/her own dreams which can only be fulfilled if the post can go viral and the traffic gets a hike.

What Are The Glorious Secrets To Craft A Viral Post?

Every time you start writing, what do you think the most? Is it about the traffic, the search engine, your readers, the quality or just money?

Many things would be considered with the perfect approach and guide.

Let me start the list.

#1. Emotions Are Everything You Need To Maintain.

According to many studies, it is believed that people respond more to the emotional posts. And you can’t resist the human affection.

Whenever you get a chance, express your gratitude to every single person who has helped you.

It’s not just about your blogging world, it’s about how you represent and craft your emotions into words. Can’t you remember anyone?

Start with the person who motivated you to start your blogging career and go further to all the people who guided you.

Mix your emotions around the content like water and milk.

#2. Visual Content Is Your Win-Win Thing.

The human eye is more attracted to the visual content than anything else.

YouTube is the live example. Don’t you enjoy those funny compilations of cats, dogs? What about the pop songs? How about the classic collection?

While writing your blog post, you should always try to add the images which can attract.

If possible, add screenshots which would increase the trust factor.

#3. People Love Controversial Content.

You know that everyone loves to talk about something which has two sides.

Some people would go with the right side and other would prefer the wrong panel. It can give you exposure.

A blog post on the topic which can be debatable is always a good idea. Now it’s you who can convert that debate into a controversy.

You can make your blog post viral just with one right idea.

Human life is so tough and everyone tries to burst his/her inner talent through words and if you’re the host, congrats, something amazing is going to happen.

#4. Break The Taboo.

People are really afraid to break the stereotyping zone.

Everyone follows the trend which isn’t even a thing to accept. If you have spent a few months in the blogosphere then you would know how people tell you all the same things.

It’s like gathering the same type of data from the different sources.

Go beyond the limits and bring the real thing. Don’t just agree with everyone. You have your own views, own experiences, own perspectives.

You would be amazed to read the confessions of a professional blogger.

#5. Don’t Forget About The Heading.

It’s believed that many from 20 people, around 15 people read the headline and decide whether they are going to read the article or not.

It’s not an exact data. Just an estimation. But still, you would also agree with it.

Make your headlines alluring, add at least one powerful word like “secret, proven, tested, majestic” etc.

You read it everywhere but do you really follow this concept? Never skip the fact that the length of the headings should be around 53-60 words.

It’s better for the SEO. Know the secrets, write a headline.

#6. A Positive Article.

It’s not always about writing on blogging, SEO, WordPress or any niche you have.

Sometimes a post with the positive energy works at its best. You can make your blog post viral just with your positive thoughts.

I have gone through an article where the only concept was how people take their lives and how they should.

Haven’t you read such article which motivated others?

Blogging is a long run process and people need some motivation, they need to know that someone is like them.

Tell your story, mention how you started and what are your struggles. After, all those ups and downs, tell them how you’re still in the race.

#7. Use The Power of Bullets and the Lists.

You know that no one likes a content which is unstructured and hard to read. Everyone craves to read a clean piece of the content.

Bullets and the lists are the keys. Break down your article into pieces and make it simple to read.

In the past few years, I have crafted some great list posts which can give you an idea.

What do you think? Can you now make your blog post viral?

#8. Humour Is a Powerful Source of Attention.

There are many websites which are providing the best memes just to make people happy.

Even there are many parodies present on the internet. Whether you look to any GIF or the video, it’s all about how those people crafted their intelligence into humorous content.

Make your blog post viral by embedding the interesting facts.

Whether it’s about blogging or something else, the content should maintain the interest of your readers.

Don’t be boring.

#9. How Can You Forget About The King?

You may read it every day that “Content is King” and professionals advice to focus on the quality of the content.

But are you on the same path?

You may have the dream to become a professional blogger, creative blogger, but somehow you end up to be a lame blogger.

Well, to come out the zone, never compromise with the quality of your content.

#10. Turn Your Content Into Sharing Spot.

Everyone is up for the great content to share with others.

Keep your content easily shareable and make your blog post viral. People like to spread the qualitative content to their followers.

Haven’t you read something like.

“Happiness increases when you share it with others.”

The same concept applies to the content. Add the social sharing buttons below or above the content so that your readers can easily share.

How Are You Going To Make Your Blog Post Viral?

Every blogger has his/her own blog promotion strategies which work perfectly fine.

But every time people read any viral content they think about the same thing. Why can’t you make your blog post viral?

What are the things to be done? How about increasing the social engagement? Well, social media has always been a friend of everyone.

Use your social media platforms and share your content. Promote your blog and get 100000 visitors.

It’s the round figure for a viral content. What’s your round figure?

What are you going to do for writing a viral post? Are you going to use your humor or do stupid things?

We would like to hear.

If you found the article helpful, connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hello Ravi,

    To make your post viral, the headline is very very important! An attractive and tempting headline make things possible to make your post viral in minutes.

    Thanks for other tips as well.

    Good one!

    1. Hey Atish,

      No doubt that the starting of the article can put a positive impact on your readers. The headline plays a crucial role in making a post viral.

      It should be appealing.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your day.


  2. I agree with all these points but still there two points that I guess play major role to make a post viral are:

    First one is the Title, it is like a magnet that attracts a readers towards your article.

    And, second is emotion that makes them to stay and share that article. People love to share the article that emotionally touches them whether it is positive or negative emotions.


    Umesh Singh

  3. Hey,

    This article is one of the best sources to know about content marketing. Not to exaggerate but all tips are easy to follow & super actionable. I like the last one because moreover the shares, more people can engage with your post & it’d be a win-win situation for both. Apart from that, we should share our contents to every possible channel to get maximum exposure to our blog.

    Indeed it’s a great article and thanks for the tips.

    1. Hey Ankit,

      Sharing is what makes your content viral. Make it worth reading and make bonds with your readers to craft a sharing relationship.

      You should take an action to improve your user’s experience with the quality content. Social media platforms can work.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  4. Pretty good stuff, but people need to be warned if they’re thinking about moving into #3 & #4. I’ve found that most people can dish out controversy but can’t take it when their character is being impugned or they’re being accused of bias, racism or hate against others. One has to have a true sense of conviction and belief before attempting to go that route because even though it might generate interest, the truth is bad publicity usually only favors celebrities.

    I agree with everything else 100%!

    1. Mitch,

      You have a point.

      Many people get victimized due to the controversial content just because of their no power of handling it. Bad publicity can influence your career if done wrong.

      But if you’re up to the mark, you can achieve the positive results for sure.

      Thanks for sharing your views.


  5. very Good Article Ravi,

    Making the ideas easy to understand plays major role in creating content, All the points you mentioned are very important in making the content viral, being a genuine quality content provider makes your work easy.

  6. Hi Ravi,

    Yet another useful post for the bloggers.

    Yes, an attractive and eye capturing headline can play half of the Job in this regard, Not just posting a lovely hardliner but need to stick to it’s meaning, otherwise the readers will think the author is just bluffing his readers with his headline.

    Yes a share button at the bottom or the side bar is a must, I am sure many wants to share if it’s worth sharable. So, it’s a must plugin.

    I fully agree with you when you said content is king and how can one forget that. Yes, we Need to keep a different writing style, though every one says the same thing your presentation matter here.

    Thanks for reminding all these.

    Keep sharing.


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